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Roo's birthday gift

On Roo's birthday. There will be cake and candles and there will be lots of toys.

Everything he wanted was all shiny and nice. Then came his best friend and said excitedly I have got something for you. 

Roo took the surprise gift and opened it with glee. And to his surprise in it was a tiny fig tree.

Roo said, thank you but I would like a toy. His friend said, this is a special tree because you are my special friend. 

Roo asked whats special about it. The friend said like your teddy bear who is bigger than you and the roof of the house that's tall. If you care for the plant well enough, it could touch the roof. Every month you water and give it some sunshine, it grows an inch taller and grows as fast as you. Soon it will be bigger than your teddy and can even touch the roof.
You can check every month whos taller the tree or the teddy bear or you. :)

Roo really loved the idea of something that could grow as tall as the roof.
He was so happy with the gift he showed it to all his friends with the story of the fig tree.

Though he loved his toys, he had something more important to take care of everyday. 

Soon it was his friends birthday and he brought his friend an orange tree. The friend loved it that the next summer they had lots of oranges to pick.
And all the toys stayed in the toy box while Roo and his friend played around the trees.
So kids what would like to gift your friend?


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