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Toys day out

One day Ru was playing with the construction truck, car, school bus and train at home. It was a nice bright sunny day of spring.

The train said, Ru why are you playing with me in the house. I don't like to stay indoor unless I am parked in a rail yard and resting at night.

The school bus said, I never play in house, other than a 5 annual holidays and weekend when I am resting. But then I miss all my tiny friends.

The construction truck said Ru I never play in house, except when I am being cleaned or maintained. I like making houses, bridges and working hard and love showing little kids how I work.

The car said Ru, I never play in the house. I like to take you out to the park. I like the garage because it saves me from the cold and rain. But I like to go out on a bright sunny day. I like a good wash and the sparkle the sun puts on me. And I love to take you to the beach and the mountain for a nice hike and the garden to see the butterflies. For there are so many things to do and so many places to see. I could never stay home and watch the tv.

They all said together Ru can we go outside and play.

Once out in the Sun, Ru lined them out on a nice little ramp and raced them away. He picked out some sticks and pebbles to transport in the trains and his friends brought their favorite animals to ride in them. He picked out some mud and dirt for the construction truck. Ru's friends also brought along their fire trucks, police cars and racing cares. And soon there was a party in the backyard. 
Each kid demoed what their vehicle could do best. And the vehicles were excited to show the kids how they worked with all the horns and honks and noises that made them special. It was so much fun!

Soon came a real ice-cream truck and cooled the kids down. When Ru came home that evening all exhausted and muddy. He told his mom how this was the best day of his holidays and how his friends have decided more fun things tomorrow. His mom gave him a nice long shower and said you see how much fun it is to play outside. I am sure your vehicles would agree. and then Ru had another idea! And so the next day he brought out sailboats and ships and a giant water tub!


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